What To Do When Someone Dies At Home
When someone dies at home whether expectedly or unexpectedly, it can be a difficult time for all those involved which is why we’ve created this guide to help you through the process.
What do you do when someone dies at home expectedly?
When someone dies at home expectedly, you should call their Doctor (G.P). In most instances when someone dies at home and it is expected by those closest to them, the GP will issue a Medical Certificate for the cause of death. Your funeral director will then be able to advise you on registering a death and what the next steps will be.
What do you do when someone dies at home unexpectedly?
When someone dies at home unexpectedly, the first thing you need to do is call 999 and ask for police and ambulance services immediately. If the death is unexpected, there is a possibility the death will be followed by a coroner’s inquest (determine how, when and where the person died). When the death is unexpected, you won’t be able to register the death until the coroner has confirmed the cause of death which may lead to a delay in the funeral, but your funeral planner will be able to guide you through this process.
What else do you need to think about?
When someone has died in their home and the cause of death has been confirmed by a GP or coroner, you will then need to register their death. You must register a death within five days if you are in England, Wales or Northern Ireland and within eight days if you are in Scotland. Once the death has been registered, you will receive a Certificate for Burial or Cremation and the next steps will be guided by your funeral director.