When organising a funeral for yourself or a loved one, it can be one of the most stressful times you may experience and your thinking process can be distorted as a result of this. Funeral plans should be flexible in nature and that’s exactly what A. H. Freemantle provide.
We understand you may want to change funeral directors and it can be a simple process with the right guidance and help. In this useful guide, we outline whether you can switch funeral directors once a funeral plan is in place and if you can get some of your money back.
Changing funeral directors when someone has passed
If a loved one has passed and they already had a funeral plan in place, your family may want to use an alternative provider for reasons of your own. When the existing funeral director takes the deceased into their premises, you can still use a different funeral home to deal with the funeral arrangements.
The new funeral director you have chosen will contact the existing funeral director to arrange for the transfer of the deceased to their premises. Please note that it may still be necessary for you to pay the other firm for the removal of the deceased.
Transferring existing funeral plans
A frequently asked question we get in our stores and online is whether it is possible to move a funeral plan to a new funeral director. The quick answer is yes, you can transfer existing funeral plans to a new provider. It’s important to remember that no matter where you purchased your funeral plan, it’s your money and you can use choose where it goes – you’re not tied to a particular funeral director.
To transfer your funeral plan, you will need the paperwork for the existing plan and will need to contact the plan provider to explain that you wish for a new funeral director to look after the arrangements. Something to consider is that you may not get a full refund and pay an admin fee.
How to choose a new funeral director
Finding a new funeral director has never been easier – the emergence of technologies and local directories gives families the information they need when choosing an alternative undertaker.
Searching online for terms such as ‘funeral director near me’ can help you collate a list of potential candidates and from there, you can look around for a variety of key points and ask further questions if needed. We have created an in-depth guide to choosing a new funeral director so that you have all the information you need.